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Writer's pictureChandran Iyer

Don't Be Like This Man with the Hat!

Just like this man with the hat who is walking with his eyes glued to his cell phone, most people around the world are consumers of content. They spend most of their time binge-watching content on YouTube, Instagram, Tik Tok or other social media.

If you are a consumer of content, then you will be making the creators rich.

But if you are the creator of content, then the consumers will be making you rich.

It all depends upon which side of the fence you are on.

And the exciting thing is it is easy to switch. All it will take is one decision to become a creator of content rather than a remaining consumer of content.

Do you know that YouTube's creative ecosystem contributed over Rs 10,000 crore to the Indian GDP and supported more than 750,000 full-time equivalent jobs in the country in 2021?

As of 2022, the Global creator economy market size is estimated at $104.2 billion, more than double its value since 2019.

In this content creator economy, a good knowledge of smartphone filmmaking can help you to become a very good influencer or a short filmmaker. The creator economy is the growing industry where social media influencers, bloggers and content creators make money by sharing content that they care about.

I am a television journalist and Smartphone filmmaking coach. If you are interested to learn more about Smartphone filmmaking or Smartphone Journalism. Follow me on Linkedin or visit my website.

Especially read my blogs and video testimonials from the website about micro lessons Smartphone Filmmaking

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( Video by Julien Tromeur from Pixabay )

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