Short-term workshops on various subjects will be organized by the Department of Journalism and Mass communication of Savitribai Phule Pune University. Under this program mobile Smartphone film production workshop has been organised. From August 22 to August 27, 2022, it will be held in the hall of the department at Ranade Institute on Fergusson Street every evening from 6 to 8. Senior TV journalist Pratibha Chandran will guide the workshop. For workshop Rs. 2000 fee and anyone who has passed twelth exam can take admission. Participants must have a mobile phone with a good quality video camera for the workshop. Only twenty persons per batch will be admitted on first come first served basis. Participants will be given a certificate of attendance. The workshop admission form is available on the university website under the 'Conferences and Workshop' section. Workshops related to podcast production, social media marketing will be organized in the future. For more information contact this number 8408057892 informed by Dr.Ujwala Barve, Head of Department of Journalism and Mass communication Link to Apply #puneuniversity #punevarsity #smartphonefilmmaking #smartphonevideoproduction #videofilmproduction #videoeditor Pune University Savitribai Phule Pune University ujjwala barve Chandran M Iyer Ajinkya Kulkarni (Please follow me on Linkedin if you have a passion for smartphone filmmaking or Mobile Journalism. Kindly read my posts on these two topics )
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